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NHS Innovation Service Accreditation

Digital Accessibility Centre Certificate of Accreditation

Accreditation Certificate Number:





NHS Innovation Service

Certificate issue date:

Certificate expiry date:

Certificate status:


Desktop and Mobile


To achieve certification each service undergoes a manual technical compliance review against WCAG 2.1 to level AA.

The service underwent both a technical compliance audit and robust end to end testing by users with a wide range of disabilities including blind, low vision, dyslexia, colour blindness, mobility impairments, learning difficulties, Deaf, Asperger and anxiety and panic disorder.

All testing is carried out in line with relevant platform specific guidelines, and where applicable, conforms with The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. Testing also conforms to Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

List of known issues


  • No issues at Level AA were found.


  • The feedback link in the phase banner does not surpass WCAG 2.1 Colour Contrast (Enhanced).
  • There are ‘Support Status Key’, where the ‘Completed’ does not surpass WCAG 2.1 Colour Contrast (Enhanced).
  • The ‘Feedback’ link in the phase banner opens in a new tab without notifying users of this functionality.

Scope of Testing

Journey 1- Create an account

  1. (Out of scope) Stage sign in
  2. We support innovation in healthcare
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Find the right support for your innovation’
  3. Find innovation support
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Start now’
  4. Choose all categories that can be used to describe your innovation
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the ‘Personal protective equipment (PPE)’ checkbox
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  5. If you had to select one primary category to describe your innovation, which one would it be?
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the ‘Personal protective equipment (PPE)’ radio button
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  6. Have you identified what problem the innovation will tackle (also known as 'value proposition')?
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the ‘Not yet’ radio button
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  7. Have you done market research so that you understand the need for your innovation in the UK?
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the ‘Not yet’ radio button
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  8. Have you identified who would benefit from your innovation?
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the ‘Not yet’ radio button
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  9. Have you identified the specific benefits that your innovation would bring?
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the ‘Not yet’ radio button
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  10. Have you tested the innovation with users?
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the ‘Not yet’ radio button
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  11. Have you achieved all relevant certifications?
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the ‘Not yet’ radio button
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  12. Do you have evidence to show that your innovation is safe to use and effective?
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the ‘Not yet’ radio button
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  13. Do you have evidence on the costs and benefits of your innovation when used in practice?
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the ‘Not yet’ radio button
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  14. What type of support are you currently looking for?
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the ‘I'm only looking for information right now’ checkbox
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  15. Check your answers before completing
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Complete’
  16. Questionnaire Completed
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Continue to create account’
  17. Create an account
    1. Test this page
    2. Email address- Your DAC email or Temp email if needed
    3. Click ‘Send verification code’
    4. Enter verification code from email
    5. Click ‘Verify email’
    6. New password- (See Support for this)!
    7. Confirm new password
    8. Select the ‘I agree to the terms of use’ checkbox
    9. Click ‘Create account
  18. Account created
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Continue to sign in’
  19. Sign in to the Innovation Service.
    1. Test this page
    2. Sign in email- Your DAC email
    3. Password- (See Support for this)
  20. Welcome to the NHS innovation service!
    1. Test this page
    2. What’s your name? – Enter your name +Test
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  21. Are you creating this innovation as part of a company or organisation?
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the ‘Yes’ radio button s
    3. Company or organisation name- Test
    4. Click ‘Continue’
  22. (Not in scope) How would you describe your company or organisation?
    1. Select the ‘Sole trader’ radio button
    2. Click ‘Continue’
  23. What's the size of your company or organisation?
    1. Test this page
    2. Select ‘1 to 5 employees’ radio button
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  24. (Not in scope) Do you have a UK company registration number?
    1. Select the ‘No’ radio button
    2. Click ‘Continue’
  25. What's your phone number (Optional)
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Continue’
  26. Check you answers
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Continue to your account’

Journey 2- Service

Note. (Please note for steps 1-4 you may need to sign into the service again then close and reload the page.

  1. Developing a digital innovation to support the mental health care pathway: establishing the evidence
    1. Test this page
  2. About the service
    1. Test this page
  3. What we can offer you
    1. Test this page
  4. How we work with you
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Sign in’
  5. Innovations Home page
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Add innovation’
  6. Register a new innovation
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Start now’
  7. What should we call your innovation?
    1. Test this page
    2. Enter- Your name and the software you are using e.g Darren Dragon
  8. Please provide a short description of your innovation
    1. Test this page
    2. Enter- This is a test into the field
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  9. Where are you developing your innovation?
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the ‘Wales’ radio button
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  10. Finally, choose your data sharing preferences
    1. Test this page
    2. Select any number of checkboxes
    3. Click ‘Complete registration’
  11. Overview page
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Innovation record’
  12. Innovation record
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Evidence of effectiveness’
  13. Evidence of effectiveness
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Start now‘
  14. Do you have evidence to show the effectiveness of your innovation?
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the ‘Yes’ radio button
    3. Click ‘Save and continue’
  15. Check your answers
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Confirm section answers’
  16. Evidence of effectiveness
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Add evidence’
  17. What type of evidence do you want to submit?
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the ‘Other evidence of effectiveness’ radio button
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  18. What other type of evidence?
    1. Test this page
    2. Enter- ‘Test’ into the field
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  19. Please write a short summary of the evidence
    1. Test this page
    2. Enter- ‘Test123’ into the field
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  20. Please upload any documents that support this evidence
    1. Test this page
    2. Upload a PDF document- One will be in the scope email if needed
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  21. Check your answers
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Save’
  22. Evidence of effectiveness
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Innovation record’
  23. Innovation record
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Action tracker’
  24. Action tracker
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Data sharing and support’
  25. Data sharing and support
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Change preferences
  26. Change data sharing preferences
    1. Test this page
    2. Deselect the first 2 checkboxes
    3. Click ‘Save changes’
  27. Data sharing and support
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Support status key’
  28. Support status key
    1. Test this page

Journey 3- Alternative accounts

Note. (Please note for step 1 you may need to sign into the service again then close and reload the page

  1. We support innovation in healthcare
    1. Click ‘Sign in’
  2. Sign in to the Innovation Service
    1. Test this page
    2. Sign in email- (See Support for this)
    3. Password- (See Support for this)
    4. Click ‘Sign in’
  3. Home
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Review innovations’
  4. Innovations
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the Innovation included in the scope email
  5. Needs assessment
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Update support status’
  6. Choose a support status
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the ‘Engaging’ radio button
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  7. Choose accessors to support
    1. Test this page
    2. Select any checkbox with [Test}
    3. Click ‘Continue’
  8. Choose accessors to support
    1. Test this page
    2. Enter ‘Test 123’ into the field
    3. Click ‘Save and post message
  9. Support status
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Messages’
  10. Messages
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Start a new conversation’
  11. Start a new conversation
    1. Test this page
    2. Subject- Test
    3. Message- Testing
    4. Click ‘Send message’
  12. Messages
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Sign out’
  13. We support innovation in healthcare
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Sign in’
  14. Sign in to the Innovation Service
    1. Test this page
    2. Email- (See Support for this)
    3. Password- (See Support for this)
  15. Home
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Your innovations’
  16. Innovations
    1. Test this page
    2. Select the innovation included in the scope email
  17. Overview
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Action tracker’
  18. Action tracker
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘All closed actions’
    3. Select a available action
  19. Requested action
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Review section’
  20. Description of innovation
    1. Test this page
    2. Click ‘Create action for this section’
  21. Request new action
    1. Test this page
    2. Select a radio button option
    3. Enter ‘Test’ into the field
    4. Click ‘Request action’
  22. Requested action
    1. Test this page

Journey 4- New Homepage

  1. Your gateway to innovation in the NHS
    1. Test this page


This certificate was issued on the and represents the stateof the pages audited on this date. Any further changes after the accreditation date are not covered by this certificate.

Additionally, any pages/areas of the website not listed the above scope of testing are also not covered by this certificate as we cannot guarantee their accessibility state.

We audit against the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines V2.1 level A and level AA to test how accessible the website is, using the Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology (WCAG-EM) to evaluate conformance.