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HM Passport Office - Apply/ Renew Passport Service Accreditation

Digital Accessibility Centre Certificate of Accreditation

Accreditation Certificate Number:



HM Passport Office

Certificate issue date:

Certificate expiry date:

Certificate status:


Desktop and Mobile


To achieve certification each service undergoes a manual technical compliance review against WCAG 2.1 to level AA.

The service underwent both a technical compliance audit and robust end to end testing by users with a wide range of disabilities including blind, low vision, dyslexia, colour blindness, mobility impairments, learning difficulties, Deaf, Asperger and anxiety and panic disorder.

All testing is carried out in line with relevant platform specific guidelines, and where applicable, conforms with The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. Testing also conforms to Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

List of issues

There are no known issues of WCAG 2.1 AA and above.

  • Some linkss open in a new window without advising users beforehand.


Task 1 Overseas Adult Renewal from a Country Not Allowed by our Service

  1. Apply online for a UK passport. Click ‘start now’
  2. Do you live in the UK? Click ‘no’, continue
  3. Select Afghanistan, click continue
  4. Date of birth enter 01/01/2000, click continue
  5. Have you had a UK passport before? Yes, click continue
  6. Is your passport lost or stolen? NO, click continue
  7. When was your passport issued?
    Enter 28/09/08, select ‘other’ radio button, click continue
  8. Overseas British passport applications. Check page
  9. End of journey


Task 2 Overseas Adult Renewal from a Country which is Permitted by our Service

  1. Apply online for a UK passport. Click start
  2. Do you live in the UK? Select no, click continue, entre France, click continue
  3. Date of birth. Enter 01/01/2000, click continue
  4. Have you had a UK passport before? Select yes, click continue
  5. Is your passport lost or stolen? Select ‘no’, click continue
  6. When was your passport issued? Enter 28/09/2008, select ‘other’ radio button, click continue
  7. Is your passport damaged? Select ‘no’, click continue
  8. Do you have any passports from other countries? Select ‘no’, click continue
  9. What nationality is written on your passport? Select ‘British citizen’, click continue
  10. Apply for a UK passport. Click continue
  11. How to apply. Click continue
  12. How to get a digital passport photo. Click continue
  13. Get a digital photo. Select ‘I have a code to enter’, click continue
  14. Retrieve your digital photo. T
    est the photo results pages using the following codes.
    Enter code, view, and test page, click back to try next code:
    • ly/12345678
    • ly/2kp3Duh
    • ly/2jdD4hk
    • ly/2AtDAiw
  15. Click ‘yes, I want to submit’ for the last code, then continue
  16. Old passport details. Enter the following:
    • Passport number: 502135326
    • Expiry: 01/08/2017
  17. Click continue
  18. New passport details. Enter dummy details
  19. Did you use this name on your old passport? Yes, click continue
  20. Have you ever used any other names? Yes, enter dummy details, click continue
  21. Select ‘male’, click continue
  22. Were you born in the UK? Select no, pick France
  23. Town of birth. Enter Paris, click continue
  24. Home address. Enter dummy details (postcode: 75007), click continue
  25. Contact details. Use DAC job and dummy phone number, click continue
  26. Get updates. Click continue
  27. New passport. Select standard, tick checkbox, click continue
  28. Signing a new passport. Select ‘I understand and will sign my passport’, click continue
  29. Who is the passport for? Select ‘me’, click continue
  30. Check this application. Test page, click continue
  31. What you need to send. Test page, click continue
  32. Test page, click continue
  33. Tick ‘I agree’, click ‘continue to payment’
  34. Enter card details. Enter the following
    • Card number: 4444333322221111
    • Expiry: 02/2028
    • Name on card: test
    • CVV: 100
  35. Click continue.
  36. Confirm your payment. Click ‘Confirm payment’
  37. What you need to do. Test page
  38. End of journey

Task 3 UK & Overseas Child Renewal

  1. Apply online for a UK passport. Click ‘start now’
  2. Do you live in the UK? Select “yes”
  3. Date of birth - Enter “20/01/2010” and select “Continue”.
  4. Have you had UK passport before? Select “Yes”
  5. Is your passport lost or stolen? Select “No”
  6. When was your passport issues? Enter 19/08/2015 and select “Continue”
  7. Is your passport damaged? Select “No” and “Continue”
  8. Do you have any passports from other countries? Select ‘no’, click continue
  9. Apply for a UK passport. Click continue
  10. What you’ll need. Check the check box and Click continue
  11. How to get a digital passport photo. Click continue
  12. Get a digital photo. Select ‘I will take or upload a digital photo’, click continue
  13. How to take a digital passport photo. Click “Continue”
  14. Upload your photo. Upload a photo (This image will be sent to you)
    (You will be sent 3 photos with different file names. Upload the photo named “Fail”
    then “Poor” then “Good”. After uploading “good” you will progress the journey )
  15. Do you want to submit this photo? “Yes” and “Continue”
  16. Old passport details. Enter dummy data and continue
  17. New passport details. Enter dummy data and continue
  18. Have you ever used other names. Select “No” and continue
  19. Choose any and continue
  20. Were you born in the UK? Select “Yes”
  21. Town of birth Enter dummy details and continue
  22. Parent’s details. Enter dummy details
  23. Mother or parent 1. Enter dummy details
  24. Father or parent 2. Enter dummy details
  25. Home address. Enter SA10 6FG. Select “Find address”
  26. Select 58 pincott road from the dropdown and continue
  27. Contact details. Enter your work email and dummy phone number. Select “Continue”
  28. Get Updates. Check the “Email updates” check box and “Continue”
  29. New passport. Select the “Standard 34 page passport” radio button
  30. Check the “I need a braille sticker” and “Continue
  31. What is your relationship to the applicant. Select any and continue
  32. Your name. Enter dummy details and continue
  33. Check the application. Select “Continue”
  34. Confirm your identity. Select “Continue”
  35. What you need to send. Select “Continue”
  36. How should we return your document? Select “Standard post” and “Continue”
  37. Select “Continue”
  38. Check the “I agree” check box and “Continue to payment”
  39. Enter the following card details:
    • Card number: 4444333322221111
    • Expiry: 02/2028
    • Name on card: test
    • CVV: 100
  40. Click “Continue”
  41. What you need to do. Select “Sign in” (make sure that you note down your application number highlighted on this page as you will need them for a further step)
  42. Sign in. Enter reference number and “Continue”
  43. Application details. Enter your work email and DOB and continue
  44. Ask someone to confirm your identity. Select “Continue”
  45. Ask someone to confirm your identity online. “Continue”
  46. What you need to do. Select “Continue”
  47. The person’s contact details. Enter dummy details and check the check box. Select “continue”
  48. Email sent. Select “Continue”
  49. Waiting for your identity to be confirmed
    Important (Contact the designated support once you get to this step)
  50. Select the URL:
  51. Confirm Someone identity. Select “Start now”
  52. Sign in. Enter the reference number (this will be sent to you by the designated support)
  53. Enter the date of birth of applicant (21/01/2010) and continue
  54. Check “I agree” check box and “Continue”
  55. Your passport. Enter:
    • Passport number: 111619601
    • Passport expiry: 14/11/2022
    • Date of birth: 14/03/1977
  56. Click continue
  57. Your name. Enter name as ‘DAC Dumbledore’ and “Continue”
  58. Your home address. Enter postcode “SA10 6FG” and “Continue”
  59. Select an address. Select ‘shortaddress’ from the dropdown and “Continue”
  60. What happens next. Click continue
  61. Confirm these details. Select ‘yes’ click continue
  62. How you know (name). Answer Yes, then no. Enter GP for 10 years. Click continue
  63. Is this a true likeness of test tester? Yes, the yes, then select continue
  64. (Name)’s parents. Answer yes to all questions, click continue
  65. Is this the applicant’s address? Answer Yes, click continue
  66. Your work. Enter GP, select No, click continue
  67. Your work address. Enter dummy details, click continue
  68. Your contact details. Enter dummy details, click continue
  69. Details submitted. Test page
  70. End of journey

Task 4 UK & Overseas First Time Adult with a change of name

  1. Do you live in the UK? Select “Yes” and “Continue”
  2. Date of Birth. Enter “20/01/2004” and “continue”
  3. Have you had a UK passport before? “No” and “Continue”
  4. Do you have any passports from other countries? Select “No” and “continue”
  5. Do you have a naturalisation or registration certificate. Select “Yes”
  6. Apply for a first UK passport. Select “Continue”
  7. How to apply. Select “Continue”
  8. What you’ll need. Check the “I’m ready to continue” check box and “Continue”
  9. How to get a digital passport photo. Select “Continue”
  10. Get a digital photo. Select “I’ll take or upload a digital photo” and “Continue”
  11. How to take a digital passport photo. Select “Continue”
  12. Upload your photo. Upload the “good photo” (which you would have received in an email). Select “Upload your photo”
  13. Photo result. Select “Continue”
  14. Do you want to submit this photo? Select “Yes” and “Continue”
  15. New passport details. Select any radio button and enter dummy data. Select “Continue”
  16. Select “No, my name has changed” and “Continue”
  17. How did you change your name? Choose “Marriage or civil partnership” and “Continue”
  18. Previous names. Enter dummy details and “Continue”
  19. Choose any and “Continue”
  20. Were you born in the UK? Select “yes” and “Continue”
  21. Naturalisation or registration details. Enter “1091644”
  22. Date of issue. Enter 25/08/2017 and “Continue”
  23. Family details. Select “Continue”
  24. Parents details. Enter dummy data and 31/08/1970 for DOB and “Continue”
  25. Were they married? Select “No” and “Continue”
  26. Mother or parent 1. Enter dummy details and select “no” for “Do they have a UK passport” and “Continue”
  27. Father or parent 2. Enter dummy details and select “no” for “Do they have a UK passport” and “Continue”
  28. Home address. Enter “SA10 6FG” and select “58 pincott road” “Continue”
  29. Contact details. Enter your work email and dummy phone number and “Continue
  30. Get updates. Choose “Email updates” and “Continue”
  31. New passport. Select “Standard 34 page”
  32. Check the “I need a braille sticker” check box and “Continue”
  33. Signing a new passport. Select “I understand and will sign my passport” and “Continue”
  34. Who is the passport? Select “Me” and “continue”
  35. Check this application and “Continue”
  36. Confirm your identity. Select “Continue”
  37. What you need to send. Select “Continue”
  38. How should we return your documents. Select “Standard post” and “Continue”
  39. Select “Continue”
  40. Check the “I agree” check box and “Continue to payment”
  41. Enter the following details:
    • Card number: 44443333322221111
    • Expiry: 02/2028
    • Name on card: test
    • CVV: 100
  42. Click “Continue”
  43. Confirm your payment. Select “Confirm payment”
  44. What you need to do. Select “Sign in” (make a note of the reference number)
  45. Select “Continue”
  46. Application details. Enter work email and DOB “20/01/2004” and “Continue”
  47. Ask someone to confirm your identity. Click “Continue”
  48. Ask someone to confirm your identity online. Click “Continue”
  49. What you need to do. Click “Continue”
  50. The persons contact details. Enter dummy details with work email and “Continue”
  51. Email send. Select “Continue”
  52. Go the following URL:
  53. Confirm someone’s identity. Select “Start now”
  54. Sign in. Enter the reference code sent by the support
  55. Wait on reference number to continue

Task 5 UK & Overseas First Time Child Renewal

  1. Apply online for a UK passport. Select “Start now”
  2. Do you live in the UK? Select “Yes”
  3. Date of birth. Enter “20/01/2016” and select “Continue”
  4. Have you had a UK passport before? select “Yes” and “Continue”
  5. Is your passport lost or stolen? Select “No” and “Continue”
  6. When was your passport issued? Enter “19/08/2016” and “Continue”
  7. Is your passport damaged? Select “No” and “Continue”
  8. Do you have any passports from other countries? Select “No” and “Continue”
  9. Apply for a UK passport. Click “Continue”
  10. What you’ll need. Check the “I’m ready to continue” check box and “Continue”
  11. How to get a digital passport photo. Select “Continue”
  12. Get a digital photo. Select “I’ll take or upload a digital photo” and “Continue”
  13. How to take a digital passport photo. Select “Continue”
  14. Upload your photo. Upload the “Good photo” file
  15. Photo result. Select “Continue”
  16. Do you want to submit this photo. Select “yes, this photo meets the rules” and “Continue”
  17. Old passport details. Enter dummy data. (you can use the examples given) and “Continue”
  18. New passport details. Select any radio button for title and enter dummy data.
  19. Select “Yes” for “Did you use this name on your old passport?” and “Continue”
  20. Have you ever used any other names? Select “No” and “Continue”
  21. Select “Any” and “Continue”
  22. Were you born in the UK? Select “Yes” and enter dummy data for “Town of birth”
  23. Click “Continue”
  24. Parent’s details. Enter dummy data and select “No” for “Were they married or in a civil partnership?”
  25. Click “Continue”
  26. Mother or parent 1. Enter dummy data for “town”, select “United Kingdom” for “Country of birth”, Select “Welsh” for “Nationality” and select “No” for “Do they have a passport?”
  27. Click “Continue”
  28. Father or parent 2. Enter dummy data for “town”, select “United Kingdom” for “Country of birth”, Select “Welsh” for “Nationality” and select “No” for “Do they have a passport?”
  29. Click “Continue”
  30. Home address. Enter “SA10 6FG” and select “Find address”
  31. Select “58 Pincott road” from the dropdown and select “Continue”
  32. Contact details. Enter your DAC work email and dummy data for “Mobile or home phone number”
  33. Click “Continue”
  34. Get updates. Select “Email updates” and “Continue”
  35. New passport. Select “Standard 34 page”
  36. Check the “I need a braille sticker” and Select “Continue”
  37. What is your relationship to the applicant. Select any radio button and click “Continue”
  38. Your name. Enter dummy details and “Continue”
  39. Check this application. Select “Continue”
  40. Confirm your identity. Click “Continue”
  41. What you need to send. Click “continue”
  42. How should we return your documents. Select “Standard post” and “Continue”
  43. Click “Continue”
  44. Check the “I agree” check box and select “Continue to payment”
  45. Enter card details. Enter the following details:
    • Card number: 4444333322221111
    • Expiry: 02/2028
    • Name on card: test
    • CVV: 100
  46. Click “Continue”
  47. Confirm your payment. Select “Confirm payment”
  48. What you need to do.
    (Make a note of your PEX number)
  49. Click “Sign in”
  50. Sign in. Enter you PEX code and “Continue”.
  51. Application details. Enter your DAC email
  52. Enter 20/01/2016 and “Continue”
  53. Ask someone to confirm your identity. Click “Continue”
  54. Ask someone to confirm your identity online. Click “Continue”
  55. What you need to do. Click “Continue”
  56. The person’s contact details. Enter dummy details and your DAC email
  57. Check the check box and select “Continue”
  58. Email sent. Click “Continue”
  1. Select the URL:
  2. Confirm Someone identity. Select “Start now”
  3. Sign in. Enter the reference number (this will be sent to you by the designated support)
  4. Enter the date of birth of applicant (21/01/2010) and continue
  5. Check “I agree” check box and “Continue”
  6. Your passport. Enter:

    Passport number: 111619601
    Passport expiry: 14/11/2022
    Date of birth: 14/03/1977
    Passport details used for retest 1:
    Passport number: 183562458
    Expiry date: 2028-04-18
    Date of birth: 1984-04-18

    Retest 2:
    Go to
    and enter the following details.
    Reference: 3YLZ46N52
    Applicant DOB: 01-01-2010
    Referee details as below.
    Referee Passport number: 111619601
    Referee Passport expiry date: 14-11-2027
    Referee Date of Birth: 14-03-1977
    Referee first name: Albus-John's
    Referee last name: Dumbledore
    Postcode: NW3 2BU
    Then select third address from the dropdown - 80B, Highstreet, ...
    Continue to confirm details.
    Select no when you are on the page Are you retired.

  7. Click continue
  8. Your name. Enter name as ‘DAC Dumbledore’ and “Continue”
  9. Your home address. Enter postcode “SA10 6FG” and “Continue”
  10. Select an address. Select ‘shortaddress’ from the dropdown and “Continue”
  11. What happens next. Click continue
  12. Confirm these details. Select ‘yes’ click continue
  13. How you know (name). Answer Yes, then no. Enter GP for 10 years. Click continue
  14. Is this a true likeness of test tester? Yes, the yes, then select continue
  15. (Name)’s parents. Answer yes to all questions, click continue
  16. Is this the applicant’s address? Answer Yes, click continue
  17. Your work. Enter GP, select No, click continue
  18. Your work address. Enter dummy details, click continue
  19. Your contact details. Enter dummy details, click continue
  20. Details submitted. Test page
  21. End of journey

Task 6 UK & Overseas Lost or Stolen Adult


  1. Click ‘start now’
  2. Do you live in the UK? Select ‘yes’ click continue
  3. Date of birth. 01/01/2000, click continue
  4. Have you had a UK passport before? Yes, click continue
  5. Is your passport lost and stolen? Yes, click continue
  6. Have you cancelled your passport with HM Passport Office? Yes, click continue
  7. Do you have any passports from other countries? No, continue
  8. Apply for a UL passport. Click continue
  9. How to apply. Click continue
  10. How to get a digital passport photo. Click continue
  11. Get a digital photo. I have a code to enter, click continue
  12. Retrieve your digital photo. Enter code click continue
  13. Check your photo. Select ‘yes’, click continue
  14. Passport number. Click continue
  15. New passport details. Enter dummy data, click continue
  16. Have you ever used any other names? No, click continue
  17. Select any, click continue
  18. Were you born in the UK? Yes, enter Swansea, click continue
  19. Home address. Enter postcode sa10 6fg, click ‘find address’
  20. Select ‘58 pincott road’ form the dropdown, click continue
  21. Contact details. Enter DAC email and dummy mobile number, click continue
  22. Get updates. Click continue
  23. New passport. Select ‘standard’, click continue
  24. Signing a new passport. Select ‘I understand and will sign my passport’, click continue
  25. Who is the passport for? Select ‘me’, click continue
  26. Check this application. Click continue
  27. Confirm your identity. Click continue
  28. Click continue
  29. Click ‘I agree’, then ‘continue to payment’
  30. Enter card details. Enter the following card details
    • Number: 4444333322221111
    • Expiry: 06/2028
    • Name: Test
    • CVV: 100
  31. Confirm your payment. Click ‘confirm your payment’
  32. What you need to do. Make a note of your reference number. Click ‘sign in’
  33. Sign in. enter your reference number, click continue
  34. Application details. Entre DAC email and DOB 01/01/2000, click continue
  35. Ask someone to confirm your identity. Click continue
  36. Ask someone to confirm your identity online. Click continue
  37. What you need to do. Click continue
  38. The person’s contact details. Enter name as Brian Dumbledore, use your DAC email, tick the box, and click continue
  39. Email sent. Click continue

Task 7 UK & Overseas Lost or Stolen Child

  1. Click start now
  2. Do you live in the UK? Yes, click continue
  3. Date of birth. 01/01/2010, click continue
  4. Have you had a UK passport before? Yes, click continue
  5. Is your passport lost or stolen? Yes, continue
  6. Have you cancelled your passport with HM Passport Office? Yes, click continue
  7. Do you have any passports from other countries? No, click continue
  8. Apply for a UK passport. Click continue
  9. How to apply. Click continue
  10. What you’ll need. Tick box, click continue
  11. How to get a digital passport photo. Click continue
  12. Get a digital photo. Select ‘I have a code to enter’, click continue
  13. Retrieve your digital photo. Enter code
  14. Check your photo. Select ‘yes’, click continue
  15. Old passport details. Enter dummy data and continue
  16. New passport details. Enter dummy data and continue
  17. Have you ever used other names. Select “No” and continue
  18. Choose any and continue
  19. Were you born in the UK? Select “Yes”
  20. Town of birth Enter dummy details and continue
  21. Parent’s details. Enter dummy details
  22. Mother or parent 1. Enter dummy details
  23. Father or parent 2. Enter dummy details
  24. Home address. Enter SA10 6FG. Select “Find address”
  25. Select 58 pincott road from the dropdown and continue
  26. Contact details. Enter your work email and dummy phone number. Select “Continue”
  27. Get update. Click continue
  28. New passport. Select the “Standard 34 page passport” radio button
  29. Check the “I need a braille sticker” and “Continue
  30. What is your relationship to the applicant. Select any and continue
  31. Your name. Enter dummy details and continue
  32. Check the application. Select “Continue”
  33. Confirm your identity. Select “Continue”
  34. What you need to send. Select Yes, then “Continue”
  35. How should we return your document? Select “Standard post” and “Continue”
  36. Select “Continue”
  37. Check the “I agree” check box and “Continue to payment”
  38. Enter the following card details:
    • Card number: 44443333322221111
    • Expiry: 02/2028
    • Name on card: test
    • CVV: 100
  39. Click “Continue”
  40. Click ‘confirm payment’

Task 8 UK Adult Priority


  1. Click ‘check you can use this service’
  2. Do you live in the UK? Yes, click continue
  3. Date of birth. 01/01/2000, click continue
  4. Have you had a UK passport before? Yes, click continue
  5. Is your passport lost or stolen? No, click continue
  6. Have you changed your name? No, click continue
  7. When was your passport issued? 01/01/2015, click continue
  8. Is your passport damaged? No, click continue
  9. Do you have any passports from other countries? No, click continue
  10. Apply for a UK passport. Click ‘choose a collection appointment’
  11. Choose a date and place. Select an available location
  12. Choose a collection time. Select an available date and time.
  13. Check your collection appointment. Click start your application
  14. How to get a digital passport photo. click continue
  15. Get a digital photo. ‘I’ll upload a photo’, click continue
  16. How to take a digital passport photo. Click continue
  17. Upload your photo. click ‘Upload your photo’
  18. Select and upload the ‘good photo’ supplied
  19. Photo result. Click continue
  20. Do you want to submit this photo? Yes, click continue
  21. Old passport details. Enter dummy details, click continue
  22. New passport details. Select any radio button for title and enter dummy data.
  23. Select “Yes” for “Did you use this name on your old passport?” and “Continue”
  24. Have you ever used any other names? Select “No” and “Continue”
  25. Gender. Select “Any” and “Continue”
  26. Were you born in the UK? Select “Yes” and enter dummy data for “Town of birth”
  27. Click “Continue”
  28. Home address. Entre Sa10 6FG, click find address
  29. Select ‘58 Pincott Road’ from the drop-down list, click continue
  30. Contact details. Enter DAC email and dummy mobile number, click continue
  31. Get updates. Click continue
  32. New passport. Select the “Standard 34-page passport” radio button
  33. Check the “I need a braille sticker” and “Continue
  34. What is your relationship to the applicant. Select any and continue
  35. Your name. Enter dummy details and continue
  36. Check the application. Select “Continue”
  37. Confirm your identity. Select “Continue”
  38. What you need to send. Select Yes, then “Continue”
  39. How should we return your document? Select “Standard post” and “Continue”
  40. Cost. Select “Continue”
  41. Declaration. Check the “I agree” check box and “Continue to payment”
  42. Enter the following card details:
  43. Card number: 44443333322221111
  44. Expiry: 02/2028
  45. Name on card: test
  46. CVV: 100
  47. Click “Continue”
  48. Click ‘confirm payment’
  49. You’ve paid £177. Test page.
  50. End of journey


End of Journeys


Tracking Pages

There will be a tracking status page for every application submission

“These statuses will update when a new update occurs to the application e.g. a referee is nominated, referee completes etc. There are some further status changes which can be triggered via the backend API calls such as Passport approved and Passport dispatched. If you require these please provide us with the Application PEX number and we can make this happen.”

DOB: 30/10/1992
Pex Code: 343 942 9107

  1. URL:
    Page title: Application history – Manage your application – GOV.UK
    (‘Send your documents’ tracking page)
  2. URL:
    Page title: Application History – Manage your application – GOV.UK
    (‘We’ve received your documents’ tracking page)
  3. URL:
    Page title: Application history – Manage your application – GOV.UK
    (‘Your application is being processed’ tracking page)
  4. URL:
    Page title: Application history – Manage your application – GOV.UK
    (‘You need a countersignature’ tracking page)
  5. URL:
    Page title: Application history – Manage your application – GOV.UK
    (‘We received your form’ tracking page)
  6. URL:
    Page title: Application history – Manage your application – GOV.UK
    (‘You need a new photo’ tracking page)
  7. URL:
    Page title: Application history – Manage your application – GOV.UK
    (‘Application approved’ tracking page)
  8. URL:
    Page title: Application history – Manage your application – GOV.UK
    (‘Your passport is on its way’ tracking page)
  9. URL:
    Page title: Application history – Manage your application – GOV.UK
    (‘We’ve sent you a letter’ tracking page)

Tracking Pages for Retest

The email for all of them is and their Date of Births are all 01/01/1970:

  • 'You need a countersignature' tracking page
  • 'We received your form' tracking page
  • 'You need a new photo' tracking page
  • 'Application approved' tracking page
  • 'Your passport is on its way' tracking page
    The heading has change to be 'Your new passport has been printed'
  • 'Your application is being processed' tracking page
    We do not use this screen anymore (it was taken out last year) - so no longer applicable to check anymore.


This certificate was issued on the and represents the state of the pages audited on this date. Any further changes after the accreditation date are not covered by this certificate.

Additionally, any pages/areas of the website not listed the above scope of testing are also not covered by this certificate as we cannot guarantee their accessibility state.

We audit against the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines V2.1 level A and level AA to test how accessible the website is, using theWebsite Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology (WCAG-EM) to evaluate conformance.