Lambeth Borough Council - PlanX Accreditation
Digital Accessibility Centre Certificate of Accreditation
Accreditation Certificate Number:
Certificate issue date:
Certificate expiry date:
Certificate status:
To achieve certification each website undergoes a manual technical compliance review against WCAG 2.2 to level AA.
The website underwent both a technical compliance audit and robust end to end testing by users with a wide range of disabilities including blind, low vision, dyslexia, colour blindness, mobility impairments, learning difficulties, Deaf, Asperger and anxiety and panic disorder.
All testing is carried out in line with relevant platform specific guidelines, and where applicable, conforms with The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. Testing also conforms to Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
List of issues
No issues at WCAG 2.2 level A or Double A were seen.
Enter your email address
- Email address – Enter you DAC email address
- Confirm email address – Enter you DAC email address
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Accessibility test
- Select the ‘Ready to start’ button next to ‘Testing notes’
Notes for accessibility testing
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Accessibility test (already tested)
- Select the ‘Ready to start’ button next to ‘The property’
Enter the postcode of a property
- Postcode – Enter ‘SW2 2AH’
- Select an address – Select any address
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
About the property
- Select the ‘Change’ link next to ‘Property type’
What type of property is it?
- Select the ‘House’ radio button
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
What type of house is it?
- Select the ‘Semi-detached’ radio button
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
About the property (already tested)
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Confirm your location plan
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Planning constraints
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Accessibility test (already tested)
- Select the ‘Ready to start’ button next to ‘About the project’
Describe the project
- Enter ‘Proposed two storey extension, 6 metres to the rear and 6 metres in height’
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Do the new skylights stick out more than 15cm from the plane of the original roof?
- Select any of the radio buttons on the images
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
List the changes involved in the project
- Select the ‘Common projects for homes dropdown menu and select the ‘Roof extension’ checkbox
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Have works already started?
- Select the ‘Yes’ radio button
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Do the new skylights stick out more than 15cm from the plane of the original roof? (already tested)
- Select any of the radio buttons on the images
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Are any new skylights side-facing?
- Select any radio button
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
What do you want to add?
- Select all 3 checkboxes
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
How many new doorways are you creating?
- Enter any number
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
How many new windows are you creating?
- Enter any number
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
How many new skylights are you adding?
- Enter any number
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
What would you like to do next?
- Select ‘Continue with this application’
Accessibility test (already tested)
- Select the ‘Ready to start’ button next to ‘About you’
Your contact details
- First name – Enter ‘John’
- Last name – Enter ‘Doe’
- Phone number – Enter ‘07123456789’
- Email address – Enter ‘’
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
What is your date of birth?
- Enter any date of birth
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Site visit contact
- Enter ‘Test’
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Site contact email address
- Enter ‘’
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Agent's address
- Address line 1 – 6 Woodlands Road
- Town – Glasgow
- Postcode – G4 8ST
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Permitted Development
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
How to make tea
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Accessibility test (already tested)
- Select the ‘Ready to start’ button next to ‘Upload files’
Upload a photo – focus order? Progress bar accessible name
- Upload the file entitled ‘Lambeth Borough Council - PlanX - Dummy PDF’ that was sent to you via email along with this scope
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Add drawings, documents and photographs to your application
- Upload the file entitled ‘Lambeth Borough Council - PlanX - Dummy PDF’ that was sent to you via email along with this scope
- Tell us what these files show – Select ‘Roof plan – existing’ from the dropdown menu and select the ‘Done’ button
- Select the ‘Done’ button on the ‘Tell us what these files show’ modal
- Upload the file entitled ‘Lambeth Borough Council - PlanX - Dummy PDF’ that was sent to you via email along with this scope
- Tell us what these files show – Select ‘Roof plan – proposed’ from the dropdown menu and select the ‘Done’ button
- Select the ‘Done’ button on the ‘Tell us what these files show’ modal
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Accessibility test (already tested)
- Select the ‘Ready to start’ button next to ‘Review and confirm’
Check your answers before sending your application
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Accessibility test (already tested)
- Select the ‘Save and return to this application later’ link
Application saved
- Click the link in the email you received from Digital Planning Services to continue the application
Resume your application
- Email address – Enter your DAC email address
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Accessibility test (already tested)
- Select the ‘Ready to start’ button next to ‘Pay and submit’
Pay for your application
- Select the ‘Pay now using GOV.UK Pay’ button
Enter card details
- Card number – Enter ‘4444333322221111’
- Expiry date – Enter 10/26
- Name on card – Enter ‘J SMITH’
- Card security code – Enter ‘123’
- Address line 1 – Enter ‘6 Woodlands Road’
- Town or city – Enter ‘Glasgow’
- Postcode – Enter ‘G4 8ST’
- Email – Enter ‘
- Select the ‘Continue’ button
Confirm your payment
- Select the ‘Confirm payment’ button
- Application sent
This certificate was issued on the and represents the state of the pages audited on this date. Any further changes after the accreditation date are not covered by this certificate.
Additionally, any pages/areas of the website not listed the above scope of testing are also not covered by this certificate as we cannot guarantee their accessibility state.
We audit against the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines v2.2 level A and level AA to test how accessible the website is, using theWebsite Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology (WCAG-EM) to evaluate conformance.