DEFRA: Comply with UK REACH Accreditation
Digital Accessibility Centre Certificate of Accreditation
Accreditation Certificate Number:
Certificate issue date:
Certificate expiry date:
Certificate status:
To achieve certification each service undergoes a manual technical compliance review against WCAG 2.1 to level AA.
The service underwent both a technical compliance audit and robust end to end testing by users with a wide range of disabilities including blind, low vision, dyslexia, colour blindness, mobility impairments, learning difficulties, Deaf, Asperger and anxiety and panic disorder.
All testing is carried out in line with relevant platform specific guidelines, and where applicable, conforms with The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. Testing also conforms to Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
List of issues
No known WCAG level A or AA issues.
Phase 1
UK REACH Journeys
IND Journeys require Desktop and Mobile testing, Reg Journey require Desktop
Journey 1: IND_01 Account Creation (Desktop and Mobile)
- Starting URL:
Prompted to sign in
- Click “Create sign in details”
Create a new account
- Enter email address
- Enter verification code
- Click continue
- Enter name
- Create a password
Create Defra account
- Accept the Ts&Cs
- Select “A business or organisation”
- Select “UK”
- Select “No”
- Select “Sole Trader”
- Enter Name
Enter contact details
- Enter a telephone number and click continue
- Enter the name of your business
- Enter your post code
- Enter business telephone number and email address and click continue
- Click “Check your answers”
- Complete the Captcha and click continue
- Accept the Terms and Conditions and click Continue
- Land on Comply with UK REACH Homepage
Journey 2: IND_08 DUIN Journey (Desktop and Mobile)
The DUIN Journey allows Downstream Importers to Notify the Regulator of number of substances they are importing.
- Click on the DUIN link on the right-hand panel.
- Click Continue on the DUIN Deadline warning page.
- On the “Submit a DUIN” page, enter the number of substances
being imported.
This can be an arbitrary number for test purposes, e.g., 30. - Click Continue.
- On the Check Details page, click Submit.
- A confirmation page with the DUIN Reference is displayed.
Do not execute the NEXT STEPS element of this journey to send in a
spreadsheet of data as this is completed outside of the UK REACH
Journey 3: IND_10 NIP-NOTS (Desktop and Mobile)
From Start Page.
- Click the “Home” heading at the top of the page
- From the homepage, click on “Submit a Northern Ireland notification” on the right-hand column of the page.
- Read the contextual information and click “Continue”
- Click on “Browse” and add a spreadsheet in XLSX for ODS format. (This will be sent in an email)
- Click “Continue”
- Check the details of the attached document, and click “Submit”
- Journey complete
A sample spreadsheet of data can be provided by the Chemicals team to
support this journey.
The site includes a link to external website
information that can be viewed and feedback provided but this is not a core
element of the testing.
Journey 4: REG_09 Regulator Search and Results (Desktop Only)
From Start page.
Log in details
Email: ___________________
Password: ________
- Enter any search term and/or interact with the checkboxes and click on “Search”
- Search results will be displayed below the search bar.
Use existing data within TST to support this
Recommend starting the exploration of this search with CC PASS
to limit the response.
Journey 5 IND_04 Grandfather a substance into UK REACH (Desktop and Mobile)
The Grandfathering of a registration into UK REACH is the process of importing the existing registration of a substance in ECHA (European Chemical Agency)
From Start page
- Click on “Grandfather a registration”
Click “continue
- Click browse and attach i6z file
- Select “No” to testing Proposal
- Select “No” to outstanding ECHA decisions
- Review substance details and click “Continue”
- Give submission a name
- Select “No” to third party rep question
- Enter EU REACH registration number – can use the example on the page
- Enter date of EU Registration – enter the example on the page
- Check details and click on “Submit”
- Journey complete.
Journey 6 IND_05 Inquiry (Desktop and Mobile)
From Start page
Click “Inquiry” in the right-hand navigation pane beneath “Make a new submission”
- Click “Continue”
- Upload an inquiry .i6z IUCLID dossier (INQ file)
- Review the substance details are correct and click “Continue”
- Name the submission e.g. “bromine-inq” and click “Continue”
- Select “No” to Third Party Representation
- Check details and click “Submit”
- Journey complete.
Journey 7: REG_01 Inquiry processing (Desktop Only)
From Start Page
- Find a submission with type “Inquiry” and Status “New”
- Click the hyperlink in the “Name” column
- Navigate to and click on “Change status”
- Select “Pass” and click “Continue”
- Navigate to and click on “Change status”
- Select “Pass” and click “Continue”
- Navigate to and click on “Change status”
- Select “Pass” and click “Continue”
- Submission status should now be CC PASS and inquiry processing is complete
We recommend only working on the items submitted within IND-05
to avoid conflicts with other testing. If multiple people are working on
the testing we recommend using a single substance per tester so that they can
easily identify the items they are working with avoiding processing other
testers data.
Journey 8: REG_07 Regulator Messages to Industry User (Sending and Viewing) (Desktop Only)
From Start page
Use Microsoft login
- From the main dashboard page, click on ANY submission name
- From the submission detail’s view, under Messages, select “Create message”
- Enter the message content and subject
- Click on “Send message”
- Message has now been successfully sent
- Click on return to “Submission details” page hyperlink
- Under Messages, click on “View message”
- The message you just sent to industry user should be visible here
- Click on the “Subject” to review the content of the message
- Journey complete
We recommend using a single substance per tester so that they can easily identify the items they are working with avoiding processing other testers data.
Journey 9: IND_06 Full registration (Desktop and Mobile)
A registration can be submitted by an industry user in UK REACH once they have an Inquiry that has been progressed to status of CC PASS by the regulator.
From Start Page (Log in with your gateway number from the email sent to you and password you created).
- Navigate to and click on the submission name of the Inquiry which you want to convert to a registration
- Scroll down to “Dossier” and click on “Submit registration”
- Click “Continue”
- Click “Browse” and upload an IUCLID registration dossier for the same substance and click “Continue
- Give the submission a name and click “Continue”
- Click “No” for Third Party Representation and click “Continue”
- Give the submission a payment reference and click “Continue”
- Select Company size (Can be any) and click “Continue”
- Review entered details and click “Submit”
- Registration complete
UK REACH team can support for provision of Dossier for
Journey 10: REG_02 Registration Processing (Desktop Only)
This process allows a regulator to pick up a registration of a chemical substance which has been submitted by an industry user.
From Start page
- Navigate to the registration you want to begin processing (Must be a status of NEW)
- Click on the hyperlink in the “Name” column
- Scroll down to the section which is titled “New dossier”
- Click on “Change status”
- Business Rules check, click “Pass”, and click continue. Leave a comment if you like (not mandatory)
- You will be directed back to submission details page. Scroll to “New dossier” section and click on “Change status”
- Technical completeness check. Select “Pass” and click “continue”.
- You will be directed back to submission details page. Scroll to “New dossier” section and click on “Change status”
- Completeness check. Select “Pass” and click “continue”.
- Registration has now been successfully processed.
We recommend using a single substance per tester so that they can
easily identify the items they are working with avoiding processing other
testers data.
Journey 11: IND_02 Claim the Lead (CTL) (Desktop and Mobile)
For each substance in UK REACH, there should be a “Lead registrant” who is responsible for the data of that substance
From Starting URL
Required Data: (need to have uploaded a lead dossier and for that to be at CC-PASS or to GF a lead dossier.
- Click on the “Substances” tab along the top below the banner
- Select the substance “bromine”
- Click on “Substance Group” on the left panel
- Click on “Registrants” from the left panel
- Click on “Claim the lead for the full joint submission”
- Read the text and click “Continue”
- Select “Yes” the dossier complies
- Check details and click “Submit”
- Journey complete
Journey 12: IND_03 Approve member
The Lead of a substance group has the ability to approve a registrant into the group. By doing this, they are confirming that the member has paid the fee to access the test data that they administer.
The Lead will be notified that there is a registrant awaiting approval into the substance group, and any fee negotiations will be carried out offline.
Required Data:
- The substance group must have a Lead Registrant, who has claimed the Lead as per Journey IND-02 (Claim the Lead)
- There must be at least 1 member who has submitted either a registration dossier which is at CCPASS (See IND_06 Full Registration) or a grandfathered dossier in status GRANDFATHERED. (See IND_04 Grandfather a Substance)
Please note the additional “Validation” step needed if
approving a Grandfathered Registrant.
Journey 13: Process Steps for Approving a Registration at CCPASS or a Grandfathered Registration:
- Login as the Lead Registrant Legal Entity for the substance group.
- Click on the “Substances Tab” to bring up the list of substances in which the Legal Entity is participating.
- Search for the required substance group.
- Click on the substance to open the Substance Details page.
- Select “Substance Group” from the left-hand menu to display the Substance Group page.
- Select “Registrants” from the sub-menu of the Substance group.
- Click the “Approve” button next to the Registrant you want to approve.
- Click “Yes, Approve” on the confirmation screen.
Important Note: If the Registrant you have approved is a Grandfathered Registrant, you will need to login as the Grandfathered Legal Entity and Validate your Registration before you will show up in the Full Submission Group.
Phase 2
User Journeys for Industry Users.
Journey 1: Downstream User Report (DUR)
From Start page
- From the UK REACH Homepage, click “Downstream user report” on the right hand column
- Click “Browse” and add an IUCLUD dossier of the correct format
- Click Continue
- Review the information extracted from the dossier and click Continue
- Give the submission a name and click Continue
- Check details, and click Submit
- Journey completed
Journey 2: NIP-NOTS
From Start Page
- From the homepage, click on “Submit a Northern Ireland notification” on the right-hand column of the page.
- Read the contextual information and click “Continue”
- Click on “Browse” and add a spreadsheet in XLSX for ODS format.
- Click “Continue”
- Check the details of the attached document, and click “Submit”
- Journey complete
Journey 3: New PPORD - (Product and Process Orientated R&D)
From Start Page
- Click on PPORD notification in the right-hand column
- Read the information and click Continue
- Attach a PPORD dossier and click Continue
- Review the dossier information and Click Continue
- Give the submission a name and click Continue
- Enter a payment reference for this submission and click Continue
- Select a company size and click Continue
- Review submission info and click Submit
- Journey completed
Journey 4 - Update PPORD submission
From Start Page
- From the homepage, identify the PPORD submission (at status of CCPASS) that you wish to update
- Click on the submission name
- In the right-hand column under Manage submission, click on “Update PPORD”
- Read the information and click on Continue
- Click on Browse” and attach a PPORD dossier with an update reason, then click Continue
- Check that the update reason is correct and click Continue
- Compare the changes to the original dossier and click Continue
- Give the submission a name and click Continue
- Check details and click Submit
- Journey completed
Journey 5: Extend PPORD
From Start Page
- From the homepage, select a PPORD submission with a status of CCPASS
- Click on the “Name” of the submission so you are taken to the Submission details page
- In the right-hand column, under “Manage submissions”, click on “Extend PPORD”
- Read the info and click on Continue
- Click on “browse” add a PPORD dossier with extension reason, and Select Continue
- Review the info regarding a fee being charged, and select Continue
- Enter a payment reference, and select Continue
- Select your company size and click “Continue”
- Enter a name for the submission and click Continue
- Review the details that you have entered and click “Submit”
- Journey complete
Journey 6
Start page:
- Fromm the main industry user dashboard, under “Make a new submission”, click on “Substance in articles notification”
- Click “browse” and add an IUCLID file of the correct type (SIAN)
- Click on Continue
- Review the substance information from the dossier and click Continue
- Give the submission a name and click Continue
- Check the details are correct and click on Submit
- Journey complete
Journey 7: New PPORD Processing
From Start Page
- From the regulator homepage, look under submissions for the PPORD notification with a status of NEW
- Click on the submission name (leftmost column)
- Regulator would at this point click “View dossier” top open in IUCLID and perform necessary checks
- Click on “Change status”
- Click on PASS, enter a comment, and click continue
- Click on Change status
- Click on PASS, enter a comment, and click Continue
- Click on Change status
- Click on PASS, enter a comment, and click Continue
- Journey complete
Journey 8: PPORD Update Processing
From Start Page
- From the main regulator dashboard, select the PPORD which has been updated (status should be NEW)
- Click on the left most column Name
- On the submission details page, under the section “New dossier” review the reasons for update and click on “Change status”
- Click on PASS, enter a comment, and click continue
- Click on Change status
- Click on PASS, enter a comment, and click Continue
- Click on Change status
- Click on PASS, enter a comment, and click Continue
- Journey complete
Journey 9: PPORD Extension Processing
From Start Page
- From the main dashboard page, select the PPORD extension with a status of NEW
- Click on the hyperlink in the left column under “Name”
- Once on the submission details page, navigate to the section “New dossier”
- Review the reasons for update (should mention extension of PPORD)
- Click on “Change status”
- Click on PASS, enter a comment, and click continue
- Click on Change status
- Click on PASS, enter a comment, and click Continue
- Click on Change status
- Click on PASS, enter a comment, and click Continue
- Enter a new expiry date for the PPORD (must be in the future) and click Continue
- Journey complete
Journey 10: Regulator Messages to Industry User (Sending and Viewing)
From Start Page
- From the main dashboard page, click on ANY submission name
- From the submission details view, under Messages, select “Create message”
- Enter the message content and subject
- Click on “Send message”
- Message has now been successfully sent
- Click on return to “Submission details” page hyperlink
- Under Messages, click on “View message”
- The message you just sent to industry user should be visible here
- Click on the “Subject” to review the content of the message
- Journey complete
Journey 11: Substance in Articles Notification (SIAN) Processing
From Start Page
- From main regulator dashboard, select a submission of type SIAN with status NEW
- On the submission details page, navigate to the section labelled “New dossier” and click on “Change status”
- Click on PASS, enter a comment, and click continue
- Click on Change status
- Click on PASS, enter a comment, and click Continue
- Click on Change status
- Click on PASS, enter a comment, and click Continue
- Journey complete
Journey 12: EU Exit Message
Static Pages: (desktop [inc Read and Write] and mobile)
- Test the message page.
Journey 13: Terms and Conditions Acceptance
This page appears when visiting the service (Industry user) for the first time, and requires that the user accept the terms and conditions before continuing to use the service;
- Click the Checkbox and continue
This certificate was issued on the and represents the state of the pages audited on this date. Any further changes after the accreditation date are not covered by this certificate.
Additionally, any pages/areas of the website not listed the above scope of testing are also not covered by this certificate as we cannot guarantee their accessibility state.
We audit against the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines v2.1 level A and level AA to test how accessible the website is, using the Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology (WCAG-EM) to evaluate conformance.